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things to do with command button

on the bottom of the keyboard(4th from the left)there is a button called "command" and there are cool things you can do with it.Im going to show you some of those things right now.keep reading!





first, command c. this copies it.first make it 

.then do it!

now command v. this is the opposite of cloning.pasting.pasting.pasting.pasting.pasting.


pasting.pasting.pasting.(haha)(also works for photos)(remember to do command c first!)

now, these have made my life wayyyyyy simpler.I hope it will to your life as well. but if you want extreme...

here are more.




If you are using a Mac, use the Cmd key instead of the Ctrl key.


Ctrl + XCut 

 Ctrl + C Copy 

Ctrl + V Paste 

Ctrl + D Duplicate 

Delete+ Backspace Delete an element 

Ctrl + ← Move backward 

Ctrl + → Move forward 

Ctrl + Shift + ← Send to back 

Ctrl + Shift + → Bring to front 

←, ↑, →, ↓ Move single pixel (i.e. Nudge) 

Shift + ↑, ↓ Move 10 pixels 

Ctrl + Z Undo 

Ctrl + Y Redo 

Ctrl + M Select next element 

Ctrl + Shift + M Select previous element 

Ctrl + click element or Shift + click element Select multiple elements 

Hold Shift while rotating element Rotates element in 15° increments 

Hold Shift while dragging element Keeps element aligned on the same x or y axis 

Ctrl + S


Ctrl + P Preview 

Shift + f Hide/show Editor controls 

Ctrl + JSwitch between mobile/desktop views


 The following keyboard shortcuts work in text editing mode:


Ctrl + B Bold 

Ctrl + U Underline 

Ctrl + I Italic 

Ctrl + Z Undo 

Ctrl + Y Redo 


now command v. this is the opposite of cloning.pasting.pasting.pasting.pasting.pasting.


pasting.pasting.pasting.(haha)(also works for photos)(remember to do command c first!)hahahahahaha!

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